Grift the Spire cards

TwigBasicCurseUnplayable. When this card is drawn, take 1-2 damage. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 10
Bog DoomSpecialAttack1The target loses HP equal to 15% of their Max HP. Exhaust.
Bog DownSpecialSkill1Apply griftthespire:Stun. Exhaust.
Bog SymbiosisSpecialCurse1Kill enemy Minion and gain 5 Max HP. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite.
DamnationSpecialSkill2Gain 4 (6) griftthespire:Damned and 8 (12) Strength. Exhaust.
Deep Bog SecretSpecialSkill2[GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 6
Off HandSpecialAttack0Exhaust. griftthespire:Dud.
SacrificeSpecialSkillXTake 8 (6) damage and gain 2 Strength per [E].
Unknown ConcoctionSpecialSkill1griftthespire:Drink. This concoction has an unknown effect. Exhaust. Fleeting after 5 uses.
Bog BrainCommonCurse1When this card is drawn, gain 2 Weak and draw 2 cards. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
Neurotic HazeCommonCurse1Discard 2 random cards from your hand and gain [E] [E]. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
TendrilsCommonCurse0While this is in your hand, gain 4 Strength. Take 3 damage whenever you play a card. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
TipsyCommonStatus1Fleeting. griftthespire:Sleep_It_Off.
BranchUncommonCurse1Gain 6 temporary Strength. Take 12 damage. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
DeliriumUncommonCurse1Draw 2 cards. Play a random one for free and Exhaust any others. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
FeverUncommonCurse0Remove ALL debuffs on yourself, take 5 damage per debuff removed. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
Beast of the BogRareCurse1Gain 8 temporary Strength. You can only play 2 more cards this turn. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
BoughRareCurse1Gain 6 Strength. Take 15 damage. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
Butcher of the BogRareCurse1Gain 6 griftthespire:Wound. Your next attack this turn deals double damage. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 4
Funky FungiRareCurse1Upgrade ALL cards in your hand for the rest of this combat. Take 3 damage for each card upgraded. Exhaust. griftthespire:Parasite. [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]griftthespire:Hatch 5
BashBasicAttack1(Take damage? Fleeting? griftthespire:Trauma? griftthespire:Restrained? Bonus damage?)
DropkickBasicAttack1Take 5 damage. (twice? Bonus damage? Fleeting? griftthespire:Trauma? Exhaust? griftthespire:Evasion?)
Smith's ArsenalBasicSkill1Insert HammerThrow (Maul) or BottleSmash (OneOneOne) into your hand.
Smith's FlaskBasicSkill1griftthespire:Drink. griftthespire:Improvise a card from a pool of (upgraded) special cards.
Toughen UpBasicSkill1Gain 5 (15) Block. (Block? griftthespire:Alleviate? Bonus Block? griftthespire:Adrenaline? Fleeting? Exhaust?)
All RounderSpecialAttack0griftthespire:Drink 2. Take 2 damage. Gain 5 griftthespire:Moxie. Apply 3 griftthespire:Trauma. griftthespire:Flourish.
Big BrainSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink. Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
Bio-boostSpecialSkill0Gain 12 (21) griftthespire:Moxie. griftthespire:Flourish.
Bottle SmashSpecialAttack0Exhaust 1 Empty Bottle card from your deck to play this. Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound. Exhaust.
ChugSpecialSkill0Play Smith's (Boosted) Flask again. Exhaust.
Empty BottleSpecialSkill0Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
FractureSpecialAttack0Exhaust 1 Empty Bottle card from your deck to play this. Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound. Exhaust.
Green JuiceSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink. griftthespire:Alleviate 4 (6) HP. Exhaust.
Hair of the VrocSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink. Gain 4 (6) griftthespire:Adrenaline. Exhaust.
Hammer ThrowSpecialAttack0Apply 1 griftthespire:Trauma. Exhaust.
Innate InstinctSpecialSkill0Gain 12 (24) griftthespire:Adrenaline. griftthespire:Flourish.
Kra'deshi ColliderSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink. Take 3 damage (twice). Exhaust.
Lean and GreenSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink and gain 2 (4) griftthespire:Adrenaline. Exhaust.
MaulSpecialAttack0If the target has no griftthespire:Trauma, apply 2 griftthespire:Trauma. Exhaust.
Murder Bay BlasterSpecialSkill1 (0)griftthespire:Drink. Gain 2 Strength. Exhaust.
One One OneSpecialAttack0Attack three times. Exhaust. griftthespire:Restrained.
RumbleSpecialAttack0Exhaust 1 EmptyBottle card from your deck: Apply 2 (3) griftthespire:Trauma. Exhaust.
Secret CollectionSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink 6 (10) and gain 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline. griftthespire:Flourish.
ShortcutSpecialAttack0Apply griftthespire:Traumatized (to ALL enemies). griftthespire:Flourish.
Shrokian Pepper ShotSpecialAttack0Exhaust 1 EmptyBottle card from your deck: Apply 1 (2) Weak. Exhaust.
SlamSpecialSkill0griftthespire:Drink 2 and gain 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline. Exhaust.
StackSpecialAttack0Exhaust up to 2 EmptyBottle cards from your deck: Deal 6 (8) damage for each bottle. Exhaust.
Back StretchCommonSkill1griftthespire:Alleviate 8 (, gain !B! Block).
Bottle HurlCommonAttack0Exhaust 2 EmptyBottle cards from your deck to play this.
CheersCommonAttack1griftthespire:Drink (!M!).
Chest PoundCommonSkill1Take 8 (3) damage (twice), (not) gain 2 Strength.
Clean HouseCommonSkill1 (0)Discard up to 3 cards and draw that many. Take 3 damage per card discarded. Exhaust.
DealCommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 6: Gain 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
Down the HatchCommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink 2 (4), draw 1 card.
Fire BreatherCommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink (!M!) and gain 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
FreebieCommonAttack1Exhaust 2 EmptyBottle cards from your deck: This card costs 0.
HeadbuttCommonAttack1Take 6 (5) damage. Apply 2 Weak.
Hole UpCommonSkill1Gain 9 (14) Block at the start of your next turn.
Inspirational BlowCommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 9: Draw 2 cards.
Kiss the FistsCommonAttack1Attack with this card twice (three times).
Long NightCommonAttack1Exhaust 1 EmptyBottle card from your deck: griftthespire:Drink 2.
MouthwashCommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink. Remove a random debuff. Draw 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
NapCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Draw 2 cards next turn.
Nerve StrikeCommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 11: Apply 2 Weak.
Push ItCommonSkill0Take 8 damage. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Rib CrackerCommonAttack1(Hits ALL enemies.)If your target has griftthespire:Trauma, apply 2 Wound.
RubbleCommonSkill1Discard (Draw !gts:A! cards, discard) up to 2 cards, gain 5 Block per card discarded.
RuthlessCommonAttack1If your target has griftthespire:Trauma, deal 6 (10) bonus damage.
ShelveCommonSkill0(Retain.)Choose a card in your hand, place it on top of your draw pile.
SmashCommonAttack2Hits ALL enemies. Take 6 (3) damage.
Snellick's FinestCommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink. Gain 8 (5) griftthespire:Moxie. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
SplinterCommonAttack1Attack a random enemy. Exhaust 1 EmptyBottle card from your deck: Apply 2 Weak.
SwigCommonSkill1Drink 2. Gain one of the following: 3 griftthespire:Moxie, 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline, 6 Block, or 2 Strength (twice).
Batter UpUncommonAttack1Exhaust up to 3 (4) EmptyBottle cards from your deck. Apply 1 Weak and 4 griftthespire:Bleed to a random enemy per EmptyBottle exhausted.
Body BlowUncommonAttack1If your target has griftthespire:Trauma or griftthespire:Traumatized, this deals double damage.
BonkersUncommonAttack2Exhaust 2 (1) EmptyBottle cards (card) from your deck: attack twice.
Bottomless VialUncommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink (!M!). Gain 5 griftthespire:Moxie and return this card to your hand and give it Ethereal.
CallusUncommonSkill1 (0)For the rest of your turn, gain griftthespire:Stored_Block equal to unblocked damage dealt to yourself.
CavalcadeUncommonSkill1Gain Block equal to 75% of the damage dealt by your next (!M!) attack(s).
ConquerUncommonAttack2Hits ALL enemies. (not Hits ALL enemies.) This card deals bonus damage equal to 66% (133%) of your Block.
DesperationUncommonAttack2While you have less than 50% HP, this card costs 1 less.
Duck!UncommonSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Gain 1 griftthespire:Evasion. Exhaust.
Dumpster DiveUncommonSkill1Move up to 3 EmptyBottle cards from your draw pile to your discard pile. Draw 2 (3) cards.
Endless SupplyUncommonSkill1Exhaust up to 4 (any number of) cards from your hand. Add that many EmptyBottle cards to your discard pile. Exhaust.
Entire SupplyUncommonAttack2 (1)Hits ALL enemies. Exhaust ALL EmptyBottle cards in your deck. Deal 4 bonus damage per card exhausted. Exhaust.
Fold 'emUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 11: Apply 4 griftthespire:Wound.
FrenzyUncommonAttack1While this card is in your hand, it gains 2 (4) damage until played whenever you take unblocked damage.
GulperUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust all EmptyBottle cards in your hand. griftthespire:Drink 2 per card exhausted. Exhaust.
Hammer DownUncommonAttack2Strength and griftthespire:Adrenaline are twice (three times) as effective on this card.
Hammer SwingUncommonAttack2Apply 2 griftthespire:Trauma. griftthespire:Chain.
High StakesUncommonPower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you trigger a card's griftthespire:Threshold, gain 3 Block.
Hold 'emUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 7: Increase your griftthespire:Moxie by 6.
HurricaneUncommonAttack1Exhaust up to 3 (4) EmptyBottle cards from your deck: Attack a random enemy and apply 1 griftthespire:Trauma per card exhausted.
IntensifyUncommonSkill1 (0)Choose a card in your hand, it deals double damage until played. Exhaust.
Knuckle DownUncommonAttack2Attack once per griftthespire:Trauma on your target. griftthespire:Restrained.
Kra'deshi CupUncommonAttack2griftthespire:Drink. griftthespire:Chain.
MeditationUncommonSkill2Increase your griftthespire:Moxie by 2 this turn. griftthespire:Alleviate 3 HP. griftthespire:Chain.
PackratUncommonPower2(Innate.)Power: At the start of each turn, move 1 EmptyBottle card from your draw pile to your discard.
PivotUncommonSkill1Convert up to 8 (12) griftthespire:Adrenaline into 1.5x that much Block.
Power ThroughUncommonSkill1 (0)For the rest of your turn, any damage you receive is reduced to 1. Exhaust.
Power TripUncommonSkill1 (0)Gain 2 griftthespire:Adrenaline. If you had no griftthespire:Adrenaline, gain an additional 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
RaiseUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 10: Reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 this turn.
RampartUncommonAttack2Hits ALL enemies. Gain 9 (15) Block.
RecycleUncommonSkill1Exhaust up to 2 (4) EmptyBottle cards from your deck, heal 3 HP per bottle.
ReduceUncommonSkill1Exhaust up to 2 EmptyBottle cards from your deck, gain 5 (6) Block per bottle.
ReuseUncommonSkill1 (0)Discard EmptyBottle cards from your hand and draw that many cards.
Right in the FaceUncommonAttack1Exhaust up to 3 EmptyBottle cards from your deck. Attack a random enemy per card exhausted.
ScreamUncommonSkill0Gain 6 griftthespire:Adrenaline. Take 5 (3) damage every time you play a card until the end of this turn. Exhaust.
ShatterUncommonAttack1Exhaust 2 (1) EmptyBottle cards (card) from your deck: Apply 4 griftthespire:Wound.
ShrewdUncommonSkill2Gain Block equal to the damage of your target's next attack (+ !B!).
Slug SmashUncommonAttack1This card deals bonus damage equal to 133% of your griftthespire:Moxie.
StokeUncommonSkill1Gain 10 (14) griftthespire:Adrenaline at the start of your next turn, you can only play 1 Attack that turn.
The GambleUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 7: Gain [E] [E] [E]. griftthespire:Restrained.
The Pinto PourUncommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink. Gain 4 (6) Strength. Exhaust.
The Rust BucketUncommonSkill1griftthespire:Drink 2 and gain 8 (12) Block.
The SledgeUncommonAttack1If your target has griftthespire:Trauma, apply 2 (3) Weak.
TracerUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (6) griftthespire:Tracer.
Bio-strikeRareAttack2Increase your griftthespire:Moxie by 75% of the damage dealt by this card.
Blood FlowRareSkill1Double (Gain !M! griftthespire:Moxie, then double) your griftthespire:Moxie. griftthespire:Exert.
CertaintyRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you gain Block, gain 4 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
FortitudeRareSkill1Convert up to 4 (6) griftthespire:Adrenaline into Strength.
GumptionRareSkill1 (0)griftthespire:Alleviate ALL of your griftthespire:Recoverable_HP. Exhaust.
JackpotRareAttack2griftthespire:Threshold 20: Apply griftthespire:Stun.
JuicerRareSkill1griftthespire:Alleviate HP equal to your griftthespire:Moxie. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
MasochistRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you take unblocked damage on your turn, gain 2 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
Mean StreakRareAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 9: Reduce all griftthespire:Thresholds by 2 for the rest of this turn.
ObliterateRareAttack3 (2)Apply griftthespire:Stun. Exhaust.
Protective ProcedureRarePower2 (1)*Power: At the end of your turn, gain 5 Block.
Raw PowerRareSkill1 (0)Reduce the cost of all cards in your hand to 0 until the end of your turn or until played. Take 3 damage per card. Exhaust.
Soothing ConcoctionsRarePower3 (2)*Power: Whenever you griftthespire:Drink, heal 2 HP.
The Pain TrainRareAttack10Whenever you take unblocked damage, reduce the cost of this card by 1 until played.
ThicknessRareSkill2Double (Gain !B! Block, then double) your Block. At the start of your next turn, lose no Block.
Tough and AngryRareSkill1Gain 3 (9) Block. Increase by 75% of your Strength and griftthespire:Adrenaline.
Elbow StrikeBasicAttack1(Fleeting? griftthespire:Combo? Draw? griftthespire:Counter? Block? Exhaust? Discard? griftthespire:Finisher?)
FeintBasicSkill1Gain 6 (15) Block. (Block? griftthespire:Counter? Draw? Fleeting? Exhaust? griftthespire:Combo? Maximum damage? Remove debuff? Heal?)
Fight DirtyBasicSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a card from a pool of (upgraded) special cards.
Sal's DaggersBasicSkill1Insert HammerGrip (Gouge) or SaberGrip (VerticalSlash) into your hand.
StabBasicAttack1(Fleeting? Block? griftthespire:Bleed? griftthespire:Wound? Draw? Attack twice? griftthespire:Piercing? Discard?)
AssaultSpecialSkill0The next Attack card is played twice. Exhaust.
Beast MasterSpecialSkill0Call in (Horned) Crayotes to attack ALL enemies. griftthespire:Flourish.
Blade FlashSpecialAttack0griftthespire:Piercing.
EnrageSpecialSkill1 (0)Gain 2 Strength. Exhaust.
GougeSpecialAttack0Apply 6 griftthespire:Bleed. Exhaust.
Gut ShotSpecialAttack0Attack twice. Gain 2 griftthespire:Combo.
Hail of BladesSpecialAttack0Attack ALL enemies twice. griftthespire:Flourish.
Hammer GripSpecialAttack0Deal 4 bonus damage if you have any griftthespire:Combo. Gain 2 griftthespire:Combo.
HemomancySpecialAttack0Apply 32 (40) griftthespire:Bleed split evenly between ALL enemies. griftthespire:Flourish.
HideSpecialSkill0Gain 5 (8) Block. Exhaust.
Martial MasterSpecialSkill0Gain 8 (12) griftthespire:Combo and griftthespire:Improvise (*Improvise+) a griftthespire:Finisher from your deck. griftthespire:Flourish.
Mud TosserSpecialAttack0Gain 2 (3) griftthespire:Combo. Exhaust.
Phantom FinisherSpecialSkill0Spend 1 griftthespire:Combo: Gain 5 Block. Exhaust. griftthespire:Finisher. griftthespire:Dud.
Rain of BladesSpecialAttack0Spend 2 griftthespire:Combo: deals 4 bonus damage and hits ALL enemies instead. Exhaust. griftthespire:Finisher.
RelentlessSpecialSkill2Replay every card played this turn with random targets. Exhaust.
Saber GripSpecialAttack0Apply 4 griftthespire:Bleed. Exhaust.
ScrapperSpecialSkill0Draw 1 (2) card(s). Discard 1 (2) card(s). Exhaust.
ScroungeSpecialSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
SlashSpecialAttack0Apply 4 (6) griftthespire:Bleed. Exhaust.
SquashSpecialAttack0Apply 4 Weak. (Apply griftthespire:Stun.)griftthespire:Flourish.
TerrorizeSpecialAttack1If Fatal, gain 6 Strength and heal 8 HP. Exhaust.
ThirstSpecialSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a random upgraded griftthespire:Bleed card, it costs 1 less until played. Exhaust.
Throw DustSpecialAttack0Apply 1 (2) Weak. Exhaust.
TripSpecialAttack0Apply 4 (6) griftthespire:Wound. Exhaust.
Vertical SlashSpecialAttack0Apply 10 griftthespire:Bleed. Exhaust.
Vital StrikesSpecialSkill0Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound whenever you attack for the rest of the turn. Exhaust.
BackstabCommonAttack1If this card was griftthespire:Improvised, double its damage until the end of the turn.
BedlamCommonAttack1Discard 1 card. Attack a random enemy.
Brazen AttackCommonAttack2Apply 2 (3) Weak. griftthespire:Piercing.
BurstCommonAttack2Apply griftthespire:Bleed equal to damage dealt by this card.
ChamberCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. At the start of your next turn, gain 2 griftthespire:Combo.
CombinationCommonAttack1Deal 6 bonus damage if you have any griftthespire:Combo. Gain 2 (3) griftthespire:Combo.
CrossCommonAttack2Gain griftthespire:Combo equal to half the damage dealt by this card.
DeceptionCommonSkill1griftthespire:Improvise an Attack card from your draw pile. That card deals 8 (12) bonus damage until played.
DusterCommonAttack0Discard 2 (3) cards. Attack a random enemy.
FreighterCommonAttack2Deal bonus damage equal to four times the cost of your hand.(griftthespire:Replenish.)
GashCommonAttack1If the target has griftthespire:Bleed, apply 1 (2) Weak and 2 (4) griftthespire:Wound.
Ghost StrikeCommonAttack1Draw 1 card. Discard this card: Your attacks deal 4 (6) bonus damage this turn.
Improve AccuracyCommonSkill1Your attacks deal max damage for the next 2 (3) turns. Exhaust.
Jarackle Free-FightingCommonPower2(Gain 1 griftthespire:Evasion.)Power: While you have at least 4 griftthespire:Combo, gain 4 Strength.
LacerateCommonAttack1Apply 8 (10) griftthespire:Bleed.
LeechCommonAttack1Heal 1 (2) HP per griftthespire:Bleed on the target. Exhaust.
PredictionCommonSkill1Gain 5 Block. Increase by 3 (5) for the rest of combat whenever this card is griftthespire:Improvised.
ReadinessCommonSkill1Draw 3 (4) cards. Gain 4 griftthespire:Counter.
ReboundCommonSkill1Gain 4 griftthespire:Counter (and !B! Block) for each card played this turn.
Reckless SwingCommonAttack1Discard 1 card.
ReversalCommonAttack1Spend all griftthespire:Combo: Gain 2 griftthespire:Counter per griftthespire:Combo. griftthespire:Finisher.
ScatterCommonSkill1Discard up to 2 (3) cards. Gain 2 temporary Strength for each card discarded.
SlipperyCommonSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a card from your discard pile. Gain 6 (9) Block.
Sneak AttackCommonAttack2Spend 2 (1) griftthespire:Combo: This card deals max damage and costs 1 less. griftthespire:Finisher.
Spare BladesCommonSkillUnplayable. If this is discarded, insert 1 (2) BladeFlash into your hand.
SpecialtyCommonSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a griftthespire:Finisher from your deck. Gain 2 (4) griftthespire:Combo.
StompCommonAttack1Spend 2 griftthespire:Combo: This card costs 0. griftthespire:Finisher.
Survival ReflexesCommonSkill1(Draw !M! card.)Discard 1 card. Gain 8 Block.
TackleCommonAttack1Gain 3 (6) Block. Apply 1 Weak.
Target PracticeCommonAttack1Attack 2 (3) random enemies.
Wild LungeCommonAttack1Attack a random enemy. Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound.
Active DefenseUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. Increase by 3 for each card discarded this turn.
AdaptUncommonSkill1Discard your hand. Draw 5 (7) cards. Exhaust.
Barbed DefenseUncommonPower1(Innate.)Power: Your griftthespire:Counter attacks apply 4 griftthespire:Bleed.
BarnacleUncommonAttack2Apply 6 (10) griftthespire:Bleed, then gain Block equal to 75% of target's griftthespire:Bleed.
Battle ScarsUncommonSkill1Discard your hand. Gain 3 Block and 4 (6) griftthespire:Counter for each card discarded. Exhaust.
Blade FuryUncommonAttack1Spend up to 3 griftthespire:Combo: Attack once extra per griftthespire:Combo. griftthespire:Finisher.
Blademouth BeatingUncommonAttack1If this card was griftthespire:Improvised this turn, attack three times. Apply 4 griftthespire:Bleed per attack.
BloodbathUncommonPower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you apply griftthespire:Bleed, apply 2 griftthespire:Bleed to ALL other enemies.
BreatherUncommonSkill0Spend 3 (2) griftthespire:Combo: Gain [E]. griftthespire:Finisher.
CarveUncommonAttack1Spend up to 2 (3) griftthespire:Combo: Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound per griftthespire:Combo. griftthespire:Finisher.
ConcentrateUncommonSkill1Draw 1 card. It costs 0 until played. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
CrusherUncommonAttack4Whenever you griftthespire:Improvise while this card is in your hand, reduce its cost by 1 this combat.
Crushing BlowUncommonAttack3Apply griftthespire:Stun. Exhaust.
Dagger StormUncommonSkill2Insert 2 (3) BladeFlash cards into your draw pile.
Dagger ThrowUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Piercing.
Defensive SurgeUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (8) Block. Increase by 3 for each card played this turn.
Drunken MasterUncommonAttack1Add a Tipsy card to your discard pile. Deals max damage if you have a Tipsy card in your hand.
Echo StrikeUncommonAttack1Return to your hand when played. Gain 1 - 2 (3) griftthespire:Combo.
ExertionUncommonSkill0Gain [E] [E] ([E]). Lose [E] next turn. Exhaust.
Focused AssaultUncommonAttack1If this is the only card in your hand, attack 2 times with 8 (12) bonus damage.
FootworkUncommonSkill1Discard 1 (any number of) card(s). Gain [E] equal to its (their combined) cost + 1. Exhaust.
HaymakerUncommonAttack2Spend all griftthespire:Combo: Deal 6 (8) bonus damage per griftthespire:Combo. griftthespire:Finisher.
HemorrhageUncommonAttack1Apply 6 (10) griftthespire:Bleed, then deal damage equal to the target's griftthespire:Bleed.
Into the NightUncommonPower1*Power: Whenever you discard a card, gain 2 (3) Block.
Kra'deshi BarbstormUncommonAttack1Apply 4 (8) griftthespire:Bleed. Discard this card: Apply 4 griftthespire:Bleed to ALL enemies and put this card back into your hand.
Murder Bay BoxingUncommonPower2(Innate.)Power: At the start of your turn, draw 1 additional card if you have at least 2 griftthespire:Combo.
Muscle MemoryUncommonSkill2 (1)griftthespire:Improvise a card from your draw pile. Duplicate it. Exhaust.
Over ExtensionUncommonAttack1Add an Injury card to your discard pile. Cannot be played with an Injury in your hand.
ProjectorUncommonPower2(Innate.)Power: Any Attack cards you griftthespire:Improvise deal 6 bonus damage until played.
Psionic FeedbackUncommonAttack2If you have discarded a card this turn, this card costs 0.
RummageUncommonSkill0Draw 1 (2) card(s). Discard 1 (2) card(s).
SharpenUncommonSkill1Apply 4 griftthespire:Bleed whenever you hit an enemy with an attack for the rest of the turn. Exhaust. (not Exhaust.)
Shoulder RollUncommonSkill1Spend all griftthespire:Combo: Gain 3 (5) Block per griftthespire:Combo. Regain your spent griftthespire:Combo next turn. griftthespire:Finisher.
Silent SteelUncommonAttack0Innate. Exhaust.
Size UpUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. Gain griftthespire:Combo equal to their combined cost.
SlaughterUncommonAttack2 (1)Draw cards equal to half the damage dealt by this card.
SliceUncommonAttack1Apply 2 griftthespire:Bleed for each card played this turn (+ !M!).
SpinesUncommonPower2*Power: Gain 2 (4) griftthespire:Counter whenever you gain Block.
StringerUncommonSkill1Gain 3 (6) Block. Discard this card: Gain 3 (6) Block and 4 (8) griftthespire:Counter.
Switch BladeUncommonAttack0Add a copy of this card to your discard. (50% chance of applying !M! griftthespire:Wound.) Spend 2 griftthespire:Combo: Draw 1 card. griftthespire:Finisher.
The SlipUncommonSkill1Gain 6 (12) Block. If this card was griftthespire:Improvised this turn, also gain 1 griftthespire:Evasion.
Thieves' InstinctUncommonSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a random common or (not common or)uncommon (or rare) Skill or Power card. It costs 0 until played. Exhaust.
Trained StrikeUncommonAttack1Whenever this card is griftthespire:Improvised, it gains 4 (6) damage until the end of combat.
UppercutUncommonAttack2 (1)Gain 2 Strength.
Wind UpUncommonAttack1Discard this card: Increase the damage of this card by 8 (4) until played (for the rest of combat) and return it to your hand.
Zig ZagUncommonSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a card from your draw pile. Gain 5 (8) Block if it's a Skill or Power, apply 2 (4) griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy if it's an Attack.
Absolute DominationRarePower3(Innate.)Power: While you have at least 8 griftthespire:Combo, play your first Attack each turn twice.
Blood GuardRareSkill1 (0)For the rest of your turn, gain Block equal to the amount of griftthespire:Bleed you apply. Exhaust.
Boulder StanceRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you play a card, gain 2 Block.
ChurnRareSkill2 (1)Draw cards until you draw a Skill or Power card and heal 2 HP for each card drawn. The card costs 1 less until played. Exhaust.
CynotrainerRareSkill1(Draw 1 card.)Discard 1 card. Double the damage on a random card in your hand this turn.
DeepstanceRarePower1(Innate.)Power: Your griftthespire:Counter attacks apply 2 griftthespire:Wound.
DischargeRareAttack2Target a random enemy for each card in your hand (+ !M!).
Efficient DisposalRarePower2*Power: Whenever you discard (or Exhaust) a card, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
Follow ThroughRareSkill1(Retain.)griftthespire:Combo points spent for the rest of this turn are regained at the start of your next turn.
HemophageRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Whenever you apply griftthespire:Bleed, heal 2 HP.
Hilt BashRareAttack1Gain 1 griftthespire:Combo for every card in your hand (+ !M!).
Inside FightingRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Whenever you attack, gain 1 griftthespire:Combo.
Kidney ShotRareAttack1Apply griftthespire:Stun. Exhaust.
RavenousRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Whenever an enemy dies, heal 12 HP.
ResonanceRarePower2*Power: Whenever you griftthespire:Improvise a card, a random enemy gains 2 (4) griftthespire:Resonance.
SeekerRareSkill1Gain 9 (12) Block. Discard this card: Heal 5 HP.
Shadow MasteryRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Whenever you discard a card, gain 2 griftthespire:Adrenaline.
ViciousnessRareSkill1 (0)For the rest of the turn, gain griftthespire:Counter equal to half of any attack damage you deal. Exhaust.
WaylayRareSkill1Gain 12 (18) Block and insert 1 BladeFlash into your hand.
Wretched StrikeRareAttack1Deals 2 bonus damage for every card drawn this turn.
Ammo PouchBasicSkill1griftthespire:Improvise a card from a pool of (upgraded) special cards.
BlastBasicAttack1(Spend griftthespire:Charge? Channel griftthespire:Charge? Fleeting? Draw? griftthespire:Burn? griftthespire:Fully_Charged? Attack twice?)
CrankBasicSkill1Channel 2 (3) griftthespire:Charge and gain 3 Block.
Hair TriggerBasicAttack1Spend 1 (up to 2) griftthespire:Charge: deal 4 (6) bonus damage (per griftthespire:Charge spent).
Hunker DownBasicSkill1Gain 5 (12) Block. (Block? Draw? Channel griftthespire:Charge? griftthespire:Overcharge? Fleeting?)
KickBasicAttack2(griftthespire:Ricochet? griftthespire:Empty? Fleeting? Draw? Attack twice?)
AfflictionSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply a random debuff to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
BlowoutSpecialAttack0Spend all griftthespire:Charge: deal 2 (4) bonus damage per griftthespire:Charge spent. Exhaust.
CurrentSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 2 Weak to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
Deep BreathSpecialSkill0Gain 2 (4) griftthespire:Concentration. Draw 1 card. Exhaust.
FlowSpecialAttack0Gain 1 (2) griftthespire:Overcharge. Exhaust.
Guns BlazingSpecialAttack0Apply 16 (24) griftthespire:Burn, split evenly between ALL enemies. griftthespire:Flourish.
Laser SightSpecialSkill0Apply 2 (3) griftthespire:Mark. Exhaust.
MeltSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 2 griftthespire:Scorched to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
Power CycleSpecialSkill0Channel griftthespire:Charge until you are griftthespire:Fully_Charged, then spend all your griftthespire:Charge. (Gain !M! griftthespire:Counter.)griftthespire:Flourish.
Rat ShotSpecialAttack0Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: Apply 1 (2) Weak. Exhaust.
ResetSpecialSkill0Spend all griftthespire:Charge, then Channel griftthespire:Charge until you are griftthespire:Fully_Charged. (Gain !M! griftthespire:Overcharge.)griftthespire:Flourish.
RiptideSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 3 griftthespire:Ricochet to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
SalvoSpecialAttack0Hits ALL enemies. griftthespire:Flourish.
ScourSpecialSkill0Draw 2 (3) cards. Exhaust.
ShearSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 3 griftthespire:Mark to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
ShovelSpecialAttack0Deal 4 bonus damage per empty orb slot. Gain 3 Block per griftthespire:Charge. Exhaust.
Spare BatterySpecialSkill0Channel 2 griftthespire:Charge (and gain !B! Block). Exhaust.
Total FocusSpecialSkill0Gain 6 (10) griftthespire:Concentration and 15 (30) Block. Flourish.
Tracer RoundSpecialAttack0Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: Apply 4 (6) griftthespire:Burn. Exhaust.
TwistSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 6 griftthespire:Burn to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
WaveSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 4 griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
WhirlSpecialAttackUnplayable. When drawn, apply 2 griftthespire:Scanned to a random enemy. griftthespire:Replenish.
Yote ShotSpecialAttack0Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: Apply 2 (4) griftthespire:Wound. Exhaust.
AccelerantCommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) griftthespire:Scorched and 4 (6) griftthespire:Burn to an enemy. Exhaust.
BurnerCommonAttack1Apply 4 griftthespire:Burn.
ChallengerCommonSkill1Gain 5 (8) Block per enemy targeting you.
CharCommonAttack1If the target has griftthespire:Burn, gain [E] ([E]).
Cheap ShotCommonAttack5 (4)Costs 1 less [E] per empty orb slot.
ChimneyCommonAttack1Apply 4 (8) griftthespire:Burn. griftthespire:Threshold 8: Apply 2 griftthespire:Scorched.
Clear ShotCommonAttack1Gain 2 minimum damage per empty orb slot.
CrackleCommonAttack1If the target has griftthespire:Burn, Channel 2 (3) griftthespire:Charge.
DugoutCommonSkill1Gain 15 (21) Block. Gain 1 griftthespire:Wide_Open at the beginning of your next turn.
Dynamo RoundCommonAttack1Deal 4 bonus damage for every griftthespire:Overcharge. Consumes all (half your) griftthespire:Overcharge.
Ego RipCommonAttack1Deals + 4 damage for every debuff on the target.
Fully LoadedCommonSkill1Gain 6 (9) Block. griftthespire:Fully_Charged: Gain 8 griftthespire:Counter.
GalleryCommonAttack1griftthespire:Fully_Charged: deals 4 bonus damage and hits (Hits) ALL enemies.
JoltCommonAttack4This card costs 1 less [E] per griftthespire:Overcharge.
Pistol WhipCommonAttack1griftthespire:Empty: this card costs 0.
PostureCommonSkill1Gain 5 (9) Block. Gain 3 griftthespire:Concentration.
PulseCommonAttack1Apply 2 griftthespire:Ricochet.
Quick FireCommonAttack1Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: Deal 6 bonus damage.
Release ValveCommonSkill1Spend all griftthespire:Charge: Gain 3 (5) Block per griftthespire:Charge spent.
Reserve RoundCommonAttack2Spend 3 (2) griftthespire:Overcharge: this card costs 0.
SearCommonAttack1Apply griftthespire:Burn equal to damage dealt by this card.
Searing BulletCommonAttack1Spend up to 3 (5) griftthespire:Overcharge: Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound per griftthespire:Overcharge spent.
StrikerCommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 8: Gain 2 griftthespire:Overcharge.
Sucker PunchCommonAttack1griftthespire:Empty: Deal 4 bonus damage and apply 1 Weak.
Surge CoilCommonAttack1If you have any griftthespire:Overcharge: Attack twice.
Take AimCommonSkill1Apply 2 (4) griftthespire:Mark. Draw 1 card.
Tight SpotCommonSkill1Ethereal. Gain 12 (18) Block.
VantageCommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards, gain griftthespire:Concentration equal to their combined cost.
Arc DeflectionUncommonSkill1Spend up to 3 griftthespire:Overcharge: Gain 3 (5) Block and 4 griftthespire:Counter for each griftthespire:Overcharge spent.
BlindersUncommonPower2 (1)*Power: For each griftthespire:Charge you spend, apply 1 griftthespire:Mark to a random enemy.
Boat AnchorUncommonSkill1Gain 12 (18) Block. This card costs 1 more per other card in your hand.
Bolster ShotUncommonAttack1Deal bonus damage equal to double the cost of the two most expensive cards in your hand.
Brain BurnUncommonAttack1Apply 2 griftthespire:Burn per griftthespire:Concentration.
Brain TickUncommonSkill1Remove ALL debuffs on a target and heal 3 (5) HP per debuff.
CauterizeUncommonAttack1Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: Apply 2 griftthespire:Scorched.
Charged BarrageUncommonAttack1Spend up to 3 griftthespire:Overcharge: Attack once extra per griftthespire:Overcharge.
Clean OpenUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Empty: Attack twice. Channel 1 griftthespire:Charge.
CycloneUncommonAttack1Remove ALL debuffs on a target and deal 8 bonus damage per debuff.
Direct HitUncommonAttack1Next turn, draw 2 additional cards.
Double TimeUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Fully_Charged: (NL) Deals max damage (and costs 0).
Energy LoopUncommonSkill1Ethereal. (not Ethereal.) Spend all griftthespire:Charge and heal 3 HP for every griftthespire:Charge spent. Exhaust.
Fan The HammerUncommonAttack1Spend all griftthespire:Charge: Attack once (and draw !M! card) for each griftthespire:Charge.
FirestormUncommonAttack1Spend all griftthespire:Charge, apply 4 (6) griftthespire:Burn per griftthespire:Charge spent.
FistfulUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards, Channel 2 griftthespire:Charge for each Attack card drawn.
FixedUncommonSkill1Apply 3 (5) griftthespire:Fixed.
Focused StrikeUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Empty: Gain 3 griftthespire:Concentration.
GeminiUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Fully_Charged: Attack twice.
Gun SmokeUncommonSkill1Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: (not) Gain [E] [E] (and gain !M! griftthespire:Overcharge). Exhaust.
GunslingerUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Concentrated: (not) Attack twice (three times).
LeverUncommonSkill1Gain 8 (11) Block and gain 2 griftthespire:Overcharge.
LifelineUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards. griftthespire:Empty: Channel 1 griftthespire:Charge and this costs 0.
Lucky ShotUncommonAttack1Spend 1 griftthespire:Charge: deal 4 bonus damage per empty orb slot (griftthespire:Charge).
MantleUncommonAttack2Apply 2 (4) griftthespire:Scorched to ALL enemies.
OscillatorUncommonAttack1Apply griftthespire:Ricochet equal to half the damage dealt by this card.
OverheaterUncommonAttack2Double your griftthespire:Overcharge.
Robo-kickUncommonAttack1Spend up to 2 griftthespire:Overcharge: Apply 2 Weak per griftthespire:Overcharge spent.
ScannerUncommonSkill1Apply 2 (3) griftthespire:Scanned to a random enemy.
SentinelUncommonSkill2Gain 15 (23) Block. Until the start of your next turn, Channel 1 griftthespire:Charge whenever you are hit by an attack.
Shill ShotUncommonSkill1Spend all griftthespire:Charge: Draw 1 card for each griftthespire:Charge spent (+ !M!).
SpursUncommonSkill1Spend all griftthespire:Charge, gain 4 (6) griftthespire:Counter for each griftthespire:Charge spent.
SqueezeUncommonSkill1Draw 2 (3) cards, gain griftthespire:Overcharge equal to their combined cost.
Suppressing FireUncommonAttack2Target ALL enemies. Gain 3 (5) Block per target.
Take CoverUncommonSkill1Gain 3 Block per empty orb slot (, then Channel !M! griftthespire:Charge).
TelegraphUncommonSkill2Gain 2 griftthespire:Concentration. Gain 3 Block (and gain !gts:A! griftthespire:Counter) per griftthespire:Concentration you have (not you have).
TremorUncommonSkill1Apply 1 (2) griftthespire:Ricochet to ALL enemies.
Trick ShotUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Threshold 16: Gain 16 (24) griftthespire:Counter.
VentUncommonAttack4Spend all griftthespire:Charge. This card costs 1 less [E] per charge. Hits ALL enemies.
Wounding ShotUncommonAttack2Apply 2 griftthespire:Wound per empty orb slot.
ZeroUncommonAttack1griftthespire:Concentrated: Apply 4 griftthespire:Wound.
AmplifierRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Apply 4 griftthespire:Burn whenever you apply griftthespire:Scorched.
BackfireRarePower2 (1)*Power: At the end of your turn, gain 2 griftthespire:Counter per griftthespire:Charge.
CasingsRarePower3 (2)*Power: Whenever you spend griftthespire:Charge, gain 3 Block per griftthespire:Charge spent.
CataclysmRareAttack2Remove ALL debuffs on ALL enemies and deal 6 bonus damage per debuff removed. Hits ALL enemies.
Garbage DayRareSkill2Gain Block equal to 1.5x the number of cards in your discard.(Draw !M! card.)
InductionRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you spend griftthespire:Overcharge, draw 1 card.
LoaderRareSkill1(Draw !M! card.)Spend all griftthespire:Charge, gain 4 temporary Strength for each griftthespire:Charge spent.
MuddleRarePower2(Innate.)Power: Whenever you apply a debuff to an enemy, gain 3 Block.
OffsetRarePower2 (1)*Power: All your attacks deal 4 bonus damage if the target has a debuff.
Psionic StormRareSkill2 (1)Insert 3 Affliction cards into your draw pile. Exhaust.
ReadiedRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you fully mitigate an attack, gain 2 griftthespire:Concentration.
RipperRareAttack1Remove a random debuff from target enemy: Gain [E].
ScatterphaseRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you gain griftthespire:Charge, deal 4 damage to a random enemy.
Shock TherapyRareAttack1Deal 2 bonus damage per griftthespire:Overcharge. Gain 3 griftthespire:Overcharge.
TankRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you gain griftthespire:Charge, gain 4 griftthespire:Counter.
TemperedRarePower2 (1)*Power: Whenever you attack an enemy that has griftthespire:Burn, gain 3 Block.
Weak PointsRareSkill1 (0)All attacks are griftthespire:Piercing until the end of your turn. Exhaust.
WildfireRareSkill1Apply 2 (4) griftthespire:Burn to target enemy, then apply griftthespire:Burn to ALL other enemies equal to griftthespire:Burn on the target.

Grift the Spire relics

Fatigue SpringStarterGrifter_purpleAt the end of your turn, gain 6Block if you are Vulnerable or Weakened.'You lose about 3 hours worth of good sleep, but the payoff is well worth it.'
RejigStarterGrifter_redAt the start of combat, discard up to 2 cards and draw that many new cards.'Hey! No take backs!'
Stone Fatigue SpringStarterGrifter_purpleAt the end of your turn, gain 9Block if you are Vulnerable or Weakened.'You lose about 3 hours worth of good sleep, but the payoff is well worth it.'
The Boosted SpiderStarterGrifter_greenAfter every 8th card played, gain 6 temporary Strength.'Just come back in a week so I can make sure it's still healthy.'
The SpiderStarterGrifter_greenAfter every 8th card played, gain 4 temporary Strength.'Just come back in a week so I can make sure it's still healthy.'
Wide RejigStarterAt the start of combat, discard up to 4 cards and draw that many new cards.'Hey! No take backs!'
Boosted BuckshotCommonGrifter_redApply 4griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy at the beginning of your turn.'Reloads quickly and fits right in your pocket. Just don't bother aiming.'
Boosted ChafeCommonGrifter_greenAt the start of your turn, lose 1 or 2 HP and increase your griftthespire:Moxie by that amount.'Oooh yeah, that's the spot.'
Boosted Easy ListeningCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, gain 5griftthespire:Concentration.'The audio manages to bring the listener to a more focused state with a combination of wilderness sounds and inoffensive music.'
Boosted First BloodCommonGrifter_redYour first attack each combat deals an extra 12griftthespire:Bleed.'Spring loaded blades are commonly used by the more dishonorable street fighters.'
Boosted Perpetual ChargerCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, gain 2griftthespire:Overcharge.'Ok it's not perpetual, but it lasts longer than what you are currently using.'
Boosted ScattershotCommonGrifter_purpleDeal 6 bonus damage to targets with griftthespire:Ricochet.'It might be a couple micrometers under legal size for something this dangerous but at least it's easy to hide.'
Boosted Snap TalonCommonGrifter_redYour attacks deal 6 bonus damage to targets with griftthespire:Bleed.'A hybrid technology that incorporates the claws of a Vroc with laser sharpening.'
Boosted Spare MagazineCommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, gain 6 temporary Strength.'I always make sure to bring it to the bathroom.'
Boosted TwinshotCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, Channel3griftthespire:Charge.'First thing in the morning, shower, shave, and load your twinshot.'
BuckshotCommonGrifter_redApply 2griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy at the beginning of your turn.'Reloads quickly and fits right in your pocket. Just don't bother aiming.'
BusterCommonGrifter_redWhenever you break an enemy's Block, apply 4griftthespire:Bleed and gain 6Block.'The designer was just sick to death of not being able to get through those armored bandits.'
ChafeCommonGrifter_greenAt the start of your turn, lose 1 or 2 HP.'Oooh yeah, that's the spot.'
ClickerCommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you spend your last griftthespire:Charge, draw 1 card.'When I can't find mine it's usually between the cushions.'
Dark CowlCommonGrifter_redStart combat with 3griftthespire:Combo.'Did you hear something?'
Double Two FistedCommonGrifter_greenAt the start of combat, add 4EmptyBottle cards to your discard pile.'What can I say, there was a sale on.'
Easy ListeningCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, gain 3griftthespire:Concentration.'The audio manages to bring the listener to a more focused state with a combination of wilderness sounds and inoffensive music.'
First BloodCommonGrifter_redYour first attack each combat deals an extra 8griftthespire:Bleed.'Spring loaded blades are commonly used by the more dishonorable street fighters.'
Perpetual ChargerCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, gain 1griftthespire:Overcharge.'Ok it's not perpetual, but it lasts longer than what you are currently using.'
PistonCommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play 3Attacks in a row, gain 3Block.'You can probably feel it in your bones because that's where we put it.'
Predictive BrawlingCommonGrifter_redGain 1griftthespire:Combo at the beginning of your turn.'There's just only so many ways somebody can throw a punch.'
RazorglassCommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play an EmptyBottle card, take 3 damage.'Extremely fragile and extremely sharp, are you sure you want to be carrying all those around?'
RecyclerCommonGrifter_redThe first time you Exhaust a card each turn, draw 1 card.'Previously, all that blood and sweat was just wasted.'
Rival's Dark CowlCommonGrifter_redStart combat with 5griftthespire:Combo.'Did you hear something?'
Rival's Predictive BrawlingCommonGrifter_redGain 2griftthespire:Combo at the beginning of your turn.'There's just only so many ways somebody can throw a punch.'
Savage BusterCommonGrifter_redWhenever you break an enemy's Block, apply 8griftthespire:Bleed and gain 6Block.'The designer was just sick to death of not being able to get through those armored bandits.'
ScattershotCommonGrifter_purpleDeal 4 bonus damage to targets with griftthespire:Ricochet.'It might be a couple micrometers under legal size for something this dangerous but at least it's easy to hide.'
Shuffle StepCommonGrifter_redWhenever you griftthespire:Improvise a Skill or Power card, gain 3Block.'Keeps you a little quicker on your feet.'
Snap TalonCommonGrifter_redYour attacks deal 4 bonus damage to targets with griftthespire:Bleed.'A hybrid technology that incorporates the claws of a Vroc with laser sharpening.'
Softened RazorglassCommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play an EmptyBottle card, take 2 damage.'Extremely fragile and extremely sharp, are you sure you want to be carrying all those around?'
Spare MagazineCommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, gain 4 temporary Strength.'I always make sure to bring it to the bathroom.'
Stone PistonCommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play 3Attacks in a row, gain 6Block.'You can probably feel it in your bones because that's where we put it.'
Stone Shuffle StepCommonGrifter_redWhenever you griftthespire:Improvise a Skill or Power card, gain 5Block.'Keeps you a little quicker on your feet.'
TwinshotCommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, Channel2griftthespire:Charge.'First thing in the morning, shower, shave, and load your twinshot.'
Two FistedCommonGrifter_greenAt the start of combat, add 2EmptyBottle cards to your discard pile.'What can I say, there was a sale on.'
Visionary ClickerCommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you spend your last griftthespire:Charge, draw 2 cards.'When I can't find mine it's usually between the cushions.'
Visionary RecyclerCommonGrifter_redThe first time you Exhaust a card each turn, draw 2 cards.'Previously, all that blood and sweat was just wasted.'
AleternatorUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you draw an EmptyBottle, gain 3Block.'A severe increase to your metabolism, keeps you tough and lasts longer.'
Arc LoaderUncommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, gain 3griftthespire:Overcharge.'Cycling the guns up to maximum still creates energy that we can use for other things.'
Armor PlatingUncommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Charge, gain 3Block.'Small lumin fields are generated by gun cycling and this here makes sure to localize them onto your person.'
Arterial ScannerUncommonGrifter_redgriftthespire:Bleed decays 33% at the end of the turn instead of 50%.'What do you mean there's been a software update? Did people's veins move around or something?'
Auto TrackerUncommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, apply 2griftthespire:Mark to a random enemy.'Every sharpshooter's secret.'
BanditUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you trigger a card's griftthespire:Threshold, gain 4griftthespire:Adrenaline.'Feel that rush? Might as well use it.'
Body PiercingUncommonGrifter_redAt the end of every turn, gain 2griftthespire:Counter for every 5Block you have.'Good luck getting a job there pal.'
Boosted Arc LoaderUncommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, gain 5griftthespire:Overcharge.'Cycling the guns up to maximum still creates energy that we can use for other things.'
Boosted Arterial ScannerUncommonGrifter_redgriftthespire:Bleed decays 20% at the end of the turn instead of 50%.'What do you mean there's been a software update? Did people's veins move around or something?'
Boosted Auto TrackerUncommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, apply 3griftthespire:Mark to a random enemy.'Every sharpshooter's secret.'
Boosted BanditUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you trigger a card's griftthespire:Threshold, gain 6griftthespire:Adrenaline.'Feel that rush? Might as well use it.'
Boosted CalcifierUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to 75% of your griftthespire:Adrenaline + 3.'I don't know if your physiology can take much more experimentation, but it's your money.'
Boosted CollateralatorUncommonGrifter_greenEmptyBottle cards deal 4 damage to a random enemy target when played, but also gain griftthespire:Restrained.'This simple mechanical catch and sling can hurl those spare bottles for you.'
Boosted Critical PumpUncommonGrifter_greenWhile your griftthespire:Moxie is at or below 5, all your attacks deal 6 bonus damage.'Your guts want to fix themselves all the time, when they aren't worried about that you can get some more blood into those arms of yours.'
Boosted Flash PowderUncommonGrifter_purpleYour first attack each combat applies 4griftthespire:Scorched.'I couldn't figure out anything to use this stuff for except starting violent fires.'
Boosted FleximatorUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to 75% of your griftthespire:Recoverable_HP.'I'm still trying to figure out your healing variable but this should at least cauterize your injuries a little faster.'
Boosted FumesUncommonGrifter_purpleWhile you have no griftthespire:Charge, all your attacks deal 6 bonus damage.'There's a large energy vacuum in some of the internal tubes that you can use to bolster the stopping power of regular shots.'
Boosted Nailed GloveUncommonGrifter_redWhen receiving damage, you only lose up to 2griftthespire:Combo.'Usually used in the Derrick fighting pits, these gloves are inexpensive and have a little extra bite.'
Boosted PinballUncommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, apply 6griftthespire:Ricochet to a random target.'Keeps your enemies tilted.'
Boosted Serrated EdgeUncommonGrifter_redgriftthespire:Wound is twice as effective and Weak reduces damage by 40%.'I didn't think this thing could get through a shroke's hide, sometimes I surprise myself.'
Boosted SliderUncommonGrifter_redAt the start of every 2nd turn, griftthespire:Improvise a card from your draw pile.'These take a bit of time to acclimatize to the user but the results are always impressive.'
Boosted Unstable AugmentationUncommonGrifter_redGain 10 temporary Strength on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th turns of battle.'Take two quarter-doses three times daily, how many times do I have to tell you?'
CalcifierUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to 75% of your griftthespire:Adrenaline.'I don't know if your physiology can take much more experimentation, but it's your money.'
CollateralatorUncommonGrifter_greenEmptyBottle cards deal 2 damage to a random enemy target when played, but also gain griftthespire:Restrained.'This simple mechanical catch and sling can hurl those spare bottles for you.'
Critical PumpUncommonGrifter_greenWhile your griftthespire:Moxie is at or below 5, all your attacks deal 4 bonus damage.'Your guts want to fix themselves all the time, when they aren't worried about that you can get some more blood into those arms of yours.'
Deep Wounding BarbsUncommonGrifter_redYour first attack each combat applies 8griftthespire:Wound.'Nasty things these.'
Flash PowderUncommonGrifter_purpleYour first attack each combat applies 2griftthespire:Scorched.'I couldn't figure out anything to use this stuff for except starting violent fires.'
FleximatorUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to half of your griftthespire:Recoverable_HP.'I'm still trying to figure out your healing variable but this should at least cauterize your injuries a little faster.'
FumesUncommonGrifter_purpleWhile you have no griftthespire:Charge, all your attacks deal 4 bonus damage.'There's a large energy vacuum in some of the internal tubes that you can use to bolster the stopping power of regular shots.'
LooperUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, griftthespire:Alleviate3.'Keeping kra'deshis in fights for longer!'
Luckier StrikeUncommonGrifter_greenLower the griftthespire:Threshold of all cards by 2.'Keeps you nice and alert for when the time comes.'
Lucky StrikeUncommonGrifter_greenLower the griftthespire:Threshold of the first card you play each turn by 2.'Keeps you nice and alert for when the time comes.'
Nailed GloveUncommonGrifter_redWhen receiving damage, you only lose up to 4griftthespire:Combo.'Usually used in the Derrick fighting pits, these gloves are inexpensive and have a little extra bite.'
PinballUncommonGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, apply 4griftthespire:Ricochet to a random target.'Keeps your enemies tilted.'
ReflectorUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play an EmptyBottle, gain 3Block.'A good addition to any bar brawler's repertoire.'
Serrated EdgeUncommonGrifter_redgriftthespire:Wound is twice as effective.'I didn't think this thing could get through a shroke's hide, sometimes I surprise myself.'
ShatterguardUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain 2Block for every EmptyBottle in your hand.'Transforming your evenings out into solid defenses.'
ShellUncommonGrifter_redIf you are outnumbered, gain 6Block and 6griftthespire:Counter at the end of your turn.'Great for people with no friends!'
Skeletal SuspensionUncommonGrifter_redAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to 75% of your griftthespire:Combo.'It runs along the femur, your opponent is going to feel it more than you are.'
SliderUncommonGrifter_redAt the start of every 3rd turn, griftthespire:Improvise a card from your draw pile.'These take a bit of time to acclimatize to the user but the results are always impressive.'
Soothing AleternatorUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you draw an EmptyBottle, gain 3Block and griftthespire:Alleviate2.'A severe increase to your metabolism, keeps you tough and lasts longer.'
Soothing LooperUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, griftthespire:Alleviate6.'Keeping kra'deshis in fights for longer!'
Stone Armor PlatingUncommonGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Charge, gain 5Block.'Small lumin fields are generated by gun cycling and this here makes sure to localize them onto your person.'
Stone ReflectorUncommonGrifter_greenWhenever you play an EmptyBottle, gain 5Block.'A good addition to any bar brawler's repertoire.'
Stone ShatterguardUncommonGrifter_greenAt the end of your turn, gain 3Block for every EmptyBottle in your hand.'Transforming your evenings out into solid defenses.'
Stone Skeletal SuspensionUncommonGrifter_redAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to 112.5% of your griftthespire:Combo.'It runs along the femur, your opponent is going to feel it more than you are.'
Thorny Body PiercingUncommonGrifter_redAt the end of every turn, gain 4griftthespire:Counter for every 5Block you have.'Good luck getting a job there pal.'
Thorny ShellUncommonGrifter_redIf you are outnumbered, gain 9Block and 8griftthespire:Counter at the end of your turn.'Great for people with no friends!'
Unstable AugmentationUncommonGrifter_redGain 6 temporary Strength on the 3rd, 6th, and 9th turns of battle.'Take two quarter-doses three times daily, how many times do I have to tell you?'
Wounding BarbsUncommonGrifter_redYour first attack each combat applies 6griftthespire:Wound.'Nasty things these.'
Auto SorterRareGrifter_greenAt the start of your turn, automatically discard up to 3EmptyBottle cards and draw that many cards.'This is perfect! My life is such a mess right now.'
Battle SteinRareGrifter_greenWhenever you griftthespire:Drink5 or more times in a turn, gain 6griftthespire:Adrenaline.'Fill 'er up.'
Best OffenseRareGrifter_redWhenever you spend all your griftthespire:Combo, gain 8Block.'It's all about the follow through.'
Bloody MessRareGrifter_redAt the start of your turn, apply 2griftthespire:Bleed to ALL enemies.'There isn't a lot of elegance that goes into making one of these. It's also frowned on in pretty much every circle.'
Boosted Battle SteinRareGrifter_greenWhenever you griftthespire:Drink5 or more times in a turn, gain 10griftthespire:Adrenaline.'Fill 'er up.'
Boosted Bottle ShotRareGrifter_greenAll attacks deal 6 bonus damage if you have spent a bottle with another card this turn.'The crosshairs are just for looks.'
Boosted CloisterRareGrifter_redDeal 6 bonus damage while you have any Block.'There's an even better reason to keep your guard up with this. Those spark fuses should last a while.'
Boosted Flint TipsRareGrifter_purpleAll attacks deal 4 bonus damage per stack of griftthespire:Scorched on the target.'I'll do the whole box, no extra charge.'
Boosted GlancerRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, apply 2griftthespire:Ricochet to a random target.'An old Aerostat favorite. Always makes the firefights a little more chaotic.'
Boosted Power SinkRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 2 until played.'Gun cycling takes years of practice, this here shaves off a couple months to get the most from those pistols.'
Boosted Second OpinionRareGrifter_greenIncrease the minimum damage by 6 on your attacks against targets that have griftthespire:Trauma or griftthespire:Traumatized.'Exactly what I needed!'
Boosted Speed ShotRareGrifter_greenAt the start of every turn, insert BoostedLeanandGreen into your hand.'Always have your favorite spirits at the ready with this handy device!'
Boosted Study GuideRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, gain 3griftthespire:Concentration.'This will keep you focused on the task at hand.'
Boosted Synapse BoardRareGrifter_redWhenever you griftthespire:Improvise an Attack card, gain 6 temporary Strength.'I don't know where those attacks were coming from, it was like fighting three people at once.'
Boosted TotemRareGrifter_purpleWhile you have griftthespire:Concentration, all cards gain 6 maximum damage.'Rook! I didn't know you were superstitious!'
Bottle ShotRareGrifter_greenAll attacks deal 4 bonus damage if you have spent a bottle with another card this turn.'The crosshairs are just for looks.'
CloisterRareGrifter_redDeal 4 bonus damage while you have any Block.'There's an even better reason to keep your guard up with this. Those spark fuses should last a while.'
Clot HammerRareGrifter_redAttacking targets affected by griftthespire:Bleed grants 3Block.'Remember to keep the chamber clean. These things are finicky.'
Counter BandRareGrifter_redWhenever you prevent all damage from an attack, gain 2griftthespire:Combo.'That's about as reinforced as I can make it while keeping the weight down.'
Deep FragmenterRareGrifter_redWhenever you discard a card, apply 2griftthespire:Wound and 1Weak to a random enemy.'Basic explosives usually found in the more colorful areas of Havaria. Very illegal.'
Deep HeartlessRareGrifter_redIf you are under 30% HP, all attacks inflict 6griftthespire:Wound.'It's named after how you leave your opponent.'
Deep SplintershotRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you spend your last griftthespire:Charge, apply 6griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy.'Alright now these rounds need to be fired at the right cycle or else they'll split your barrel right apart.'
Flint TipsRareGrifter_purpleAll attacks deal 2 bonus damage per stack of griftthespire:Scorched on the target.'I'll do the whole box, no extra charge.'
ForecasterRareGrifter_purpleAt the end of your turn, gain 6Block if you have any griftthespire:Concentration.'It's actually a pretty simple targeting computer that has a predictive algorithm.'
FragmenterRareGrifter_redWhenever you discard a card, apply 2griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy.'Basic explosives usually found in the more colorful areas of Havaria. Very illegal.'
GlancerRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, apply 1griftthespire:Ricochet to a random target.'An old Aerostat favorite. Always makes the firefights a little more chaotic.'
HeartlessRareGrifter_redIf you are under 30% HP, all attacks inflict 4griftthespire:Wound.'It's named after how you leave your opponent.'
HemophageRareGrifter_redWhenever you apply griftthespire:Bleed, restore 2 HP.'It's best not to think about it. The mechanisms involved are downright gruesome.'
Inductive Speed WheelRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, Channel2griftthespire:Charge.'This here keeps those cells charged at a rate faster than even you could cycle.'
Leeching HemophageRareGrifter_redWhenever you apply griftthespire:Bleed, restore 3 HP.'It's best not to think about it. The mechanisms involved are downright gruesome.'
OverflowRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you deal the maximum damage of a card that has a damage range, draw 1 card.'You can't even feel the kickback, use that space to find another target.'
Perpetual RecyclerRareGrifter_redWhenever you Exhaust a card, draw 1 card.'No, you can't turn it off. You'll get used to the noise.'
Power SinkRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you gain griftthespire:Fully_Charged, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 until played.'Gun cycling takes years of practice, this here shaves off a couple months to get the most from those pistols.'
Rival's Counter BandRareGrifter_redWhenever you prevent all damage from an attack, gain 3griftthespire:Combo.'That's about as reinforced as I can make it while keeping the weight down.'
Savage Bloody MessRareGrifter_redAt the start of your turn, apply 4griftthespire:Bleed to ALL enemies.'There isn't a lot of elegance that goes into making one of these. It's also frowned on in pretty much every circle.'
Scan CodeRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, apply 3griftthespire:Scanned to a random enemy.'The cutting edge of ranged combat.'
Second OpinionRareGrifter_greenIncrease the minimum damage by 4 on your attacks against targets that have griftthespire:Trauma or griftthespire:Traumatized.'Exactly what I needed!'
Speed ShotRareGrifter_greenAt the start of every turn, insert LeanandGreen into your hand.'Always have your favorite spirits at the ready with this handy device!'
Speed WheelRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, Channel1griftthespire:Charge.'This here keeps those cells charged at a rate faster than even you could cycle.'
SplintershotRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you spend your last griftthespire:Charge, apply 4griftthespire:Wound to a random enemy.'Alright now these rounds need to be fired at the right cycle or else they'll split your barrel right apart.'
Stone Best OffenseRareGrifter_redWhenever you spend all your griftthespire:Combo, gain 12Block.'It's all about the follow through.'
Stone Clot HammerRareGrifter_redAttacking targets affected by griftthespire:Bleed grants 5Block.'Remember to keep the chamber clean. These things are finicky.'
Stone ForecasterRareGrifter_purpleAt the end of your turn, gain 9Block if you have any griftthespire:Concentration.'It's actually a pretty simple targeting computer that has a predictive algorithm.'
Stone Trench KnifeRareGrifter_purpleAt the end of each turn, gain 9Block and 6griftthespire:Counter if you have no griftthespire:Charge.'A brutal relic from the old wars, still sharp and mean.'
Study GuideRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of each turn, gain 2griftthespire:Concentration.'This will keep you focused on the task at hand.'
Synapse BoardRareGrifter_redWhenever you griftthespire:Improvise an Attack card, gain 4 temporary Strength.'I don't know where those attacks were coming from, it was like fighting three people at once.'
TotemRareGrifter_purpleWhile you have griftthespire:Concentration, all cards gain 4 maximum damage.'Rook! I didn't know you were superstitious!'
Trench KnifeRareGrifter_purpleAt the end of each turn, gain 6Block and 6griftthespire:Counter if you have no griftthespire:Charge.'A brutal relic from the old wars, still sharp and mean.'
Visionary Auto SorterRareGrifter_greenAt the start of your turn, automatically discard ALL EmptyBottle cards and draw that many cards.'This is perfect! My life is such a mess right now.'
Visionary OverflowRareGrifter_purpleWhenever you deal the maximum damage of a card that has a damage range, draw 2 cards.'You can't even feel the kickback, use that space to find another target.'
Visionary Perpetual RecyclerRareGrifter_redWhenever you Exhaust a card, draw 2 cards.'No, you can't turn it off. You'll get used to the noise.'
Wide Scan CodeRareGrifter_purpleAt the start of combat, apply 3griftthespire:Scanned to 2 random enemies.'The cutting edge of ranged combat.'
Afterburner GlovesSpecialGrifter_redAll your Attacks apply 2griftthespire:Burn.'The heat is on with these stylish and dangerous gloves, be sure to make sure that your district's incendiary regulation allows for the handling and ownership of these items.'
Blast ChamberSpecialGrifter_redGain [E] at the start of your turn.'Lot 42 is a very strong and very stable Spark battery! No leaking or exploding here folks, built by master craftsmen with the finest of materials.'
Claimed By HeshSpecialGrifter_greenGain a special power from Hesh at the start of each combat.Hesh has taken an interest in your affairs.
Dermal CastSpecialGrifter_redAt the start of your turn, heal 3 HP.'This rare graft rejuvenates the body and mind! Well the body for sure...'
Hammerthyst RingSpecialGrifter_redAt the end of your turn, gain 3Block for every card in your hand.'One of the smallest spark generators is set inside this obsidian casing. Fits on the finger but makes a huge impression!'
Macro RaspSpecialGrifter_redWhenever you apply griftthespire:Bleed, deal 2 damage to the target.'Straight from the highest ranking bloodstriker, it's the infamous Macro Rasp!'
Modified PistolsSpecialGrifter_purpleFrizz the Admiralty weaponsmith tweaked your pistols' ammo capacity.'I'm surprised they're still intact. I was practically a child when I built those.'
Boosted Quick ChargerBossAt the start of your turn, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 2 until played.'Obvious upgrade from last year's slow charger.'
Dangerous BulbBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. Take 5 damage at the end of every turn.'No returns, it's right in the name for Hesh's sake.'
Heirloom KnucksBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. Your maximum hand size is reduced by 3.'Grandma didn't mess around.'
KlipperBossGrifter_greenGain [E] at the start of your turn. Lose 15 Max HP.'Kra'deshi klippers are nasty weapons used by seasoned fighters to speed up the longer combats.'
Quick ChargerBossAt the start of your turn, reduce the cost of a random card in your hand by 1 until played.'Obvious upgrade from last year's slow charger.'
Reckless IdolBossGain [E] at the start of your turn. Lose 3Dexterity at the start of each combat.'Under the pillow every night and you dream real wicked.'
TruncheonBossGrifter_redGain [E] at the start of your turn. griftthespire:Bleed you apply is removed completely instead of being halved.'A relic from a simpler time. There's only a couple ways to use the thing.'
Un-Marked WeaponsBossGrifter_purpleGain [E] at the start of your turn. You no longer gain Block from empty orb slots.'Look, I don't want to tell you what to do or anything, but do NOT let the Admiralty catch you with these.'
Visionary Dangerous BulbBossGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. Take 5 damage at the end of every turn.'No returns, it's right in the name for Hesh's sake.'
Visionary Heirloom KnucksBossGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. Your maximum hand size is reduced by 3.'Grandma didn't mess around.'
Visionary KlipperBossGrifter_greenGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. Lose 15 Max HP.'Kra'deshi klippers are nasty weapons used by seasoned fighters to speed up the longer combats.'
Visionary Reckless IdolBossGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. Lose 3Dexterity at the start of each combat.'Under the pillow every night and you dream real wicked.'
Visionary TruncheonBossGrifter_redGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. griftthespire:Bleed you apply is removed completely instead of being halved.'A relic from a simpler time. There's only a couple ways to use the thing.'
Visionary Un-Marked WeaponsBossGrifter_purpleGain [E] and draw 1 card at the start of your turn. You no longer gain Block from empty orb slots.'Look, I don't want to tell you what to do or anything, but do NOT let the Admiralty catch you with these.'

Grift the Spire potions

Combat GauzeCommonRemove a random debuff.
Jump CablesCommonChannel4Charge.
SkimmerCommonApply 3Mark to a random target.
Speed TonicCommon2 random cards in your hand cost 0 until played.
Fuel CanisterUncommonApply 10Burn to ALL enemies.
Emergency Shield GeneratorRareIf you take lethal damage, block all damage until the start of your turn and discard this potion.
Energy SiphonRareSteal all of an enemy's Strength.
Krill IchorRareGain 12Strength and KrilledUp.
Lumin WineRareDrink and heal 9 HP.
Oshnu BileRareApply 6Wound.

Grift the Spire keywords

Fully ChargedThis card has an additional effect if all orb slots have Charge.
Krilled UpLose 4Strength every turn. Lose 15 HP when Strength reaches 0.
Recoverable HPYou can Alleviate this much HP. This is increased by the amount of damage taken on your turn.
Sleep It OffThis card is removed from your deck when you Rest.
Stored BlockAt the end of your turn, gain Block equal to StoredBlock and remove all StoredBlock.
Wide OpenCannot gain Block. At the end of your turn, reduce WideOpen by 1.
AdrenalineAttack damage is increased by 1. At the end of your turn, remove all Adrenaline.
AlleviateRecover HP up to the amount you have lost this turn.
BleedAt the beginning of their turn, lose HP equal to the count of Bleed, then halve Bleed count.
BurnAt the start of your turn, take damage equal to the stack of Burn and deal half as much to ALL allies. Remove half the stacks of Burn.
ChainWhen played, transform this card and shuffle it into your draw pile. If this card goes into your discard pile, it reverts to its basic form.
ChargeOrb: Can be used by certain cards for additional effects.
ComboCombo points are accumulated until they are spent by a Finisher. Lose half of your Combo whenever you take damage.
ConcentratedThis card has an additional effect if you have Concentration.
ConcentrationIncreases minimum damage of all cards by 2. Halve your Concentration when you take unblocked Attack damage.
CounterDeal damage back to the enemy when hit. Remove all Counter at the beginning of your turn.
DamnedAt the end of your turn, reduce Damned by 1. When Damned reached 0, you take 75 damage.
DrinkAdd an EmptyBottle card to your discard pile.
DudCreated when trying to Improvise a card type you do not have.
EmptyThis card has an additional effect if you have no Charge.
EvasionReduce the next damage you take to 0. Remove 1 Evasion when you reduce damage and at the start of your turn.
ExertNext turn, gain 1 fewer Energy.
FinisherFinishers spend some or all of your Combo points to enact powerful effects.
FixedWhenever this target is hit, you gain 1 Block. At the start of their turn, remove all Fixed.
FlourishThis is a special card that is Ethereal and will Exhaust.
Hatch [GriftTheSpire:HatchIcon]When this card's effect is triggered the specified number of times, it is destroyed and a special event occurs. The Hatch counter is not changed while Fatigued.
ImproviseChoose 1 of 3 cards to put into your hand.
Improvise+Choose 1 of 5 cards to put into your hand.
MarkWhen you attack this target, Channel1Charge and reduce Mark by 1.
MoxieWhenever you take unblocked damage on your turn, increase your Moxie by a random amount between 1 and 3. At the end of your turn, heal HP equal to your Moxie and then halve your Moxie down to a minimum of 1.
OverchargeIncreases max damage of all cards by 2 for each stack of Overcharge. Reduce Overcharge by half at the end of your turn.
ParasiteTransforming or removing this card from your deck lowers your Max HP by 15.
PiercingIgnores damage reduction from Block.
ReplenishWhen this card is drawn, draw another card.
ResonanceWhenever a card is Improvised, lose 1 HP.
RestrainedThe damage of this card cannot be increased.
RicochetWhenever this target takes damage from an Attack, deal that much damage to one of their allies and reduce Ricochet by 1.
ScannedWhenever you attack this target, draw 1 card. At the start of their turn, remove 1 Scanned.
ScorchedBurn can not decay by more than 4 stacks per turn. Whenever Burn is triggered, remove 1 Scorched.
StunStunned creatures do nothing on their turn.
ThresholdActivates an added effect if damage is at or above the Threshold number.
TracerWhenever this target is hit by an attack, you gain 1Block. At the start of their turn, remove half the stacks of Tracer.
TraumaWhenever this target is attacked, increase Trauma by 1. At 10 stacks, this target gains Traumatized (next attack received deals double damage) and loses Trauma.
TraumatizedThe next attack against this target deals double damage and reduces this by 1.
WoundAttacks inflict 1 bonus damage on this target. At the beginning of their turn, reduce Wound by 2.

Grift the Spire creatures

the Bounty HunterPlayer87
the SpyPlayer78
the WastrelPlayer90